The most at risk for the Coronavirus disease includes the elderly and vulnerable groups, especially those with previous illnesses.
The coronavirus is particularly dangerous for older people and for people with previous illnesses. The risk of serious illness increases with age. When age and existing underlying diseases come together, the risk is particularly high. The protection of people is therefore particularly important in care facilities.
Older people and people with previous illnesses now need solidarity from all generations. Â It is very crucial that old people’s homes and nursing homes are largely closed to visitors. This is the only way to protect those in need of care and their relatives in the current situation.
It is very important that all of us should be more open and respect the many people in need of care living at home and their relatives. Â Families in which people in need of care live and are cared for also need our support. Â Neighbors who easily do the shopping or run errands here are ‘angels of everyday life’. Â If we all look out for one another, then we live solidarity in everyday life.
We encourage the most at risk for the Coronavirus disease, all those affected, those in need of care and their relatives to bear in mind the guidelines that the nursing have received. At the same time, it is important that perspectives are developed as to how encounters and exchanges in homes can soon be made possible again when facilities and nurses currently enable contact with families, for example via telephone or Skype.
Not only in professional care, but also in the everyday life of older people, everyone must now make their contribution.
Elderly people, grandparents and their families are called upon to protect themselves and avoid risks. Panic does not help, regardless of age. But we older and older people have to act when it comes to Coronavirus. We want to and can help reduce the risk of infection, for us, for our families, for contact persons.
The state has to act, we as a society too. We don’t shake hands and hug. We avoid crowds. We postpone meetings. Postponed is not canceled. And help that no one remains lonely and helpless Without putting people’s safety at risk, that is the order of the day. A solidarity society becomes very concrete and proves itself. That is good for everyone.
The most at risk for the Coronavirus disease – older people, people with pre-existing illnesses and their families should rethink their habits now. They should accept restrictions in order to protect their health. This includes withdrawing from public life as much as possible for a period of time, at least personal distance two meters, not attending leisure events, avoiding public transport and also reducing private contacts as much as possible. Telephone, cell phone and internet help to stay in contact. Family and neighborly support offers, for example when shopping, are helpful and important.
Behavioral Tips for Those Most At Risk For The Coronavirus Disease
- Reduce social contacts as much as possible, including with your peers, because they too can be carriers.
- Avoid direct contact with grandchildren at the moment. If possible, the grandparents should not be involved in the care.
- Do not go to a doctor’s office, call them if necessary and ask how you should behave.
- If possible, do not go to pharmacies, order the medicines you need over the phone and have them delivered to you or, if possible, seek help from your family or the neighborhood.
- Accept bring and delivery offers: from family and neighbors, from supermarkets.
- Maintain social contacts over the phone or, if possible, on Skype.
- Keep the number of people entering your home to a minimum.
- Take advantage of the nice weather to go for a walk. That strengthens your defense. Also keep a distance of at least two meters there when you meet friends!
- Pay attention to trustworthy offers of help
Even in the current situation, vigilance against “false helpers” is necessary. Fraudsters in particular ask older people and all of those most at risk for the Coronavirus disease for money for expensive drugs and medical treatments; alleged craftsmen claim to want to inspect and disinfect houses and apartments. Therefore, DO NOT give money to strangers and not to let them into the apartment.
More information about Coronavirus: World Health Organization : We love and care The Elderly and Vulnerable Groups